How Long is a Speeding Ticket Held Against You For Auto Insurance Purposes?When you are thinking about your auto insurance and your auto insurance coverage, you will find that you are looking at an expense that you have to pay, but unlike your rent or your house payment, you will find that the amount can go up and down fairly dramatically. When you want to make sure that you have affordable and cheap auto insurance, you will find that one of the things that you have to look at is what happens to your auto insurance quotes when you get a speeding ticket! Your insurance policy can be a tricky thing, so keep some of the following information in mind. When you are thinking about things that can raise your auto insurance rates, you will find that you don't have to worry about your first minor traffic violations. Things like a few parking tickets or even a single speeding violation will most likely not be held against you. When these incidents are rare, you will find that most insurance companies are fairly forgiving. Things of this nature only become a problem when you start repeating them, or if you find that you are getting them constantly. If the offense is significant, however, you will find that you can see a rise in your insurance policy. You may see a rise if you have been engaging in reckless behavior that got you a speeding ticket. Keep in mind that your driving offenses are going to be separated into categories, and points are going to be given depending on how serious the offense is. With this system, what is essentially happening is that your amount of points will total up with the insurance company, and once you have accumulated a certain amount over a limited span of time, you will find that you are going to be classified as a high risk driver and your rates will go up accordingly. When you want to make peace with your auto insurance company over something like a speeding ticket, remember that if you get no other violations that you can expect your rates to go down. Depending on the company, this can take anywhere from eight months to over a year; the nature of the speeding ticket will also affect it. When you are looking to make sure that your rates go down as fast as they can, make sure that you look into things like voluntary traffic school, which can remove the ticket from your record entirely. This can have a powerful effect on your ability to reduce your rates. Remember that your auto insurance is not carved in stone. Take the opportunities that are handed to you to clean your records and you'll find that there are plenty of things that you can do to lower your rates. Labels: How Long is a Speeding Ticket Held Against You For Auto Insurance Purposes Don't Be Blue, Get Your Motor RunningMost of us listen to music while in our cars. In fact, according to a recent survey, almost 80% of us like some kind of background noise while driving. But what does this have to do with car insurance? Quite a lot, as it turns out. Studies have shown that listening to music while driving can affect your chances of committing driving offences or being in an accident. Drivers who listen to talk radio or have no sound on at all in their cars reported significantly less incidents than the 79% who drive to music. Surprisingly, the type of music you listen to also has a bearing on your driving, but not in the way you'd think. Most would assume that listening to heavy rock or fast pop would cause you to speed, but actually the opposite appears to be true. The worst offenders for speeding are actually fans of the Blues, being responsible for 49% of offences. Next come the Country music fans with 45%, then Reggae, Rap/Hip-Hop and Easy Listening. In the case of minor accidents, the Country music fans come out on top, followed by Classical, Easy listening, Blues, then Reggae and Rock/Pop equally. Rock remains the most popular genre of music to drive to, with 65% of drivers preferring it. The top 5 driving songs in the UK all fall within this genre: Meatloaf - Bat Out Of Hell So-called 'driving ballads' have been appearing on special compilation CDs each Christmas and Father's Day for many years, and now it seems they could be a good present in more than just the usual way. If you have a friend or relative who's notorious for not slowing down, get them a CD of driving songs and see if it makes a difference. Labels: Don't Be Blue, Get Your Motor Running Traffic Tickets Accidents DUI and Their Affect on Your Car Insurance RatesAll insurance companies change their insurance rates according to the risk factor. While a Driving Under Intoxication (DUI) charge can have disastrous affect on your insurance, traffic tickets can sometimes be forgiven. These are always determined by your insurance company and also your state rules. A DUI charge is considered as a major offense and this could increase your rates by just 25% depending on your cover, if you are lucky. You will also be placed under high risk drivers. Some have even seen their rates double after a DUI charge. Those resulting in jail term could lead to cancellation of your insurance policy too, depending on state laws. The increased rate can stay for a few years. Its not always the big convictions, small traffic tickets can also add an extra $25-$100 per month on your rates. The time period also matters. Three tickets in two years, apart from increasing your rates can also make you ineligible for policy discounts. Just one nasty accident could be all its required to see a big increase in your rates. The demerit points will stay on your profile for a few years and these points determine your insurance rates for the coming years. The number of tickets and their severity is also considered. A speeding tickets normally costs about 25% of your insurance and could stay on your records for about three years. Insurance costs for three traffic tickets in five years could easily be anywhere up to $3000. Again all these depend on your insurance company, type of coverage and of course your state traffic rules. Just 1 or 2 tickets can easily change your rate. If you are a minor or young driver, you are already classified as high risk driver. So a small mistake could have huge impacts on your rates. Repeat offenders and those charged for reckless driving can be sure of seeing an increase in their rates. In extreme cases your driving privileges may be limited. On the other hand a clean driving record can save you if you are involved in a no-fault accident. If you happen to be involved in six accidents in a given time period (check your policy), you can definitely expect a rate rise and this could remain with you for 2-5 years. Safety always pays, both personally and financially. Labels: Traffic Tickets Accidents DUI and Their Affect on Your Car Insurance Rates How to Lower Car Insurance PremiumsWhen it comes to car insurance none of us really want to have to spend the time looking at all of the different companies to find out the best deal for out needs, but it is often this that's stops us from getting the good deals that we deserve. Thankfully this is one aspect of getting the right car insurance that we no longer have to worry about! With all of the price comparison sites out there you will almost certainly be able to find a great deal from insurers that you may not have even been aware where out there to look at. It has been proven that the simple task of really comparing all the options you have will make the biggest impact on savings you have for your car insurance. There are of course other ways to add to this saving too. One thing a lot of the companies are really impressed by at the amount of "green attitude" a car owner has. If you have something installed or purchase a car that has a lower Co2 emission you are likely to be eligible for an "eco friendly" policy. These are lower cost and therefore rewarding you effort to not damage the environment. Extra security measures are also a big winner when it comes to getting a lower quote. If you have treated yourself to special flashy rims and the latest stereo complete with amplifiers you are making your car more attractive to thieves as well as your friends. By having a high end car alarm, interior locking and tracking device on your car you will certainly increase the car's safety measure and therefore be rewarded with a lower cost insurance due to you being much lower risk, or at least break even by not making your premium sky rocket due to your luxury item modifications. Labels: How to Lower Car Insurance Premiums Yes, Cars Are Beautiful and Exciting But Don't Forget InsuranceMan and automobiles have often been put together throughout history like peanut butter and jelly. Cars were and still are the passion of men. Whether it's tinkering with them, doing some type of customization, or just doing 80 miles and hour on the freeway, we become oblivious to the fact that vehicles play an important part in our lives. Cars today are made with precision and beauty unlike the brutes of the past that sported probably the greatest engines but never had the style of today's conveyances. Most of us look at cars the way we look at candy, or rather candy wrapper. Endlessly going to and fro and end-to-end trying to find the one that just rightly screams our own personality, trying to discern using only our eyes as guides that one would best suit us. Then it comes. The sudden realization feels more like a stomach cramp: There she is. For car owners who take the well being of their vehicles seriously, it is not out tone to make sure additional precaution to make sure the vehicle is taken cared of is made available. I am, of course referring to auto insurance. Aside from the fact that on most places, insurance is required to be opened upon purchasing a car, this actually helps in protecting both the vehicle and the owner's interest in today's modern and, might I add dangerous society. Accidents occur everyday that relates to vehicles and though technology helps us avoid these things, the reality that such incidents occur at any moment is there. Owning you very own car or auto insurance plan is extremely advantageous. It safeguards the plan holder including the vehicle from the hazards that occur after such accidents happen. These may come in form of expenses and liability that the holder is subjected to by third parties. They also include collision damage, medical services and personal injury protection. Choosing among these that best suit our lifestyles would tremendously save us from spending more money in the event that an accident occurs. Auto insurance is fairly easy to have as well, with monthly premiums to which the amount varies depending on the plan being used mostly the only thing needed to complete it at a certain point of time. Auto insurance is especially taken into more importance for car owners who have antique or vintage car models for the main reason being that the car is irreplaceable and holds more value than most modern vehicles. These are the ones that are harder to come by due to the higher value of antique of vintage model vehicles. However, there are a number of companies who do offer services for these cars that can be found all across the country. Owning your very own auto insurance is imperative in today's hustle and bustle lifestyle. This ensures that you are well secured on the road as you go about your daily routines. With just the right and reliable policy, we'll be able to feel more secure from all the dangers that lurk on the roads of our world today. Labels: Cars Are Beautiful and Exciting But Don't Forget Insurance, Yes What Type of Auto Insurance Covers Vandalism and Damage to a Car?Insurance needs can be confusing. That is why you must sit down with the agent representing the insurance company that you are considering. Find out everything about the policy before you purchase it. The time to find out that you are not covered for something is not when you file a claim. Know what your insurance policy is going to pay for should something happen and what is not covered, because you can add items that you want covered. Comprehensive insurance is one type that many people do not understand. It is not typically covered under a general liability insurance policy. This is the insurance that will cover damage to your vehicle whether it is caused by fire, theft, weather, or animal collisions. Many people have this type in the area where deer are commonly found. Vandalism is another type of damage that comprehensive insurance covers. If you have full coverage insurance due to your vehicle being financed or just because it is a newer vehicle and it makes sense, the comprehensive insurance is part of your policy. If you do not have full coverage, comprehensive will have to be purchased separately. Many people choose to purchase this insurance because the chances of theft or some unforeseen incident can be high in certain areas. If something happens to total your car and you do not have coverage, you are left without transportation. Not to mention there will be no money coming to purchase another vehicle. The type of coverage you have will actually depend on the insurance policy that you have purchased. If you are in doubt as to what your policy covers, look at the 'Extras' page which will tell you what ones are available and what ones you have or do not have. If your policy is the type that only offers third party protection, you will not have coverage if you car is stolen or damaged by fire. However, it does not cost that much more than a third party plan to get the third party fire and theft included so that you will be covered in the event that this happens. Some insurance policies that you have comprehensive insurance with may provide you with a courtesy car if repairs are being done on your vehicle. Read your policy to make sure this is an option. Most people do not know this but if your car is under a year old and gets damages that are going to be over 60% of the value of the car to repair, your car can be totaled. If it is totaled by the insurance company, they will pay you the current market value of your car. The best thing you can do is to read your policy and know what it covers. If you have any doubts, call your insurance agent and find out about certain aspects. They will be happy to let you know what your insurance policy includes and excludes. It may benefit you to know what options are available from different companies and the price difference between the premiums before you make a choice as to which company you will go with. Labels: What Type of Auto Insurance Covers Vandalism and Damage to a Car Caravan Tyres Causing Insurance ClaimsYou may think wear and tear on caravan tyres only occurs when they are being used frequently. However, most damage occurs when the caravan is not in use. For example, caravans that are stood for long periods may cause their tyres to become misshapen with the weight of the 'van, not to mention damage to the rubber caused by exposure to sunlight. This kind of tyre damage can make the tyres more at risk of punctures and in the worst cases 'blowouts'. Even a slightly deflated tyre can cause the caravan and tow car to become unstable and it is rare for a caravan to survive a 'blow-out'. Insurance claims relating to burst tyres are not uncommon, but there are precautions you can take to help prevent it happening to you: